BLUE KNIGHTS®                         

International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club

   California VII (Oakland)



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Executive Board



Make no mistake, this is first and foremost a RIDING CLUB of a fraternal nature.  In our Chapter, we try to keep politics out of our dealings as much as possible and treat everyone as equals, regardless of rank or position on-the-job and within the Chapter/Club.  We all pretty much agree there is enough "politics" in our professional and personal lives. Our focus is on getting together for rides (and a few casual social events) and having a good time.  But, by necessity, and in accordance with our charter, there is a leadership structure within the Chapter. This structure is established and laid out in the Blue Knights' International By-Laws and Constitution. As a result, our Chapter leadership structure mirrors that found at the Conference and International levels.  The following guidelines are published here in an effort to make that structure clearer to those that are interested in holding office within the Chapter, or have a question about the accountability of your elected and appointed Chapter Officers.

Position:     Duties
President:   Represent CA VII at WCC/International, oversee CA VII business, develop annual ride calendar, make appointments.
VP:             Recruiting and Retention, Coordinate Annual Chapter Picnic and Christmas Party.
Secretary:   Int'l Paperwork, meeting minutes, Chapter Newsletter and Web Page, Membership roster, renewals & recruiting award reporting.
Treasurer:   Maintain funds, and bank account(s), bookkeeping, fundraising, Chapter sales/Quartermaster, pay bills.
Directors:   2 to 3 allowed. Appointed by President. Ride Directors, Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, etc...
Immediate Past President: May volunteer to serve as a recognized voting member of the Executive Board or may be called upon as a "tiebreaker" as necessary

All Chapter Executive Board Members, Appointed Chapter Officers, Directors and Committee Members serve on a voluntary basis and are not to be reimbursed for their volunteer time.  They may be reimbursed for actual, non-personal, expenses they incur on behalf of the club or chapter that are directly necessary and authorized for the completion of their designated duties. Reimbursement may be made at the discretion of the Chapter President and Treasurer.

In accordance with Article VI, Section 6.02 of the By-Laws of The Blue Knights' International Motorcycle Club, Inc., our Chapter Executive Board consists of 3 to 7 members in-good-standing; the duly elected President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and at the discretion of the President, two appointed Chapter Directors (we are allowed up to 3 Directors, if the position if Secretary-Treasurer is held by one member) and the Immediate Past President (if he volunteers to be a voting member of the subsequent Executive Board, following his term of office).


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